Epsilon Station Controller
One site controller for all your station needs
Epsilon is a multi-functional site controller designed to optimise business logic to enable fully automated stations through seamless integration of forecourt assets and payment technologies.
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Cost-effective and scalable
Scalable solution fit for both large service stations and small unmanned stations and offers complete freedom of choice with different business models

Proven technology
Technology built on 150+ years of experience with a good track record of success from existing fuel retailers, with more than 1500 Epsilon controllers installed across Northern Europe

First-class quality of service
Supported by dedicated regional teams and trusted partners to provide best-in-class technical support and R&D service 365 days of the year

Value-added functions
Variety of components to be used with Epsilon, including SDA – remote maintenance solution, carwash, and asset management
Total insight into your business asset performance
The Epsilon forecourt controller is positioned in the market as an integration platform and enables you to integrate your forecourt with all the necessary services; whether they be situated locally on-site or remotely in the cloud.
Payment Card Handling
Integration with 3rd party payment solution providers

Outdoor Terminal Management
Manage Outdoor Payment Terminals (OPTs) and CRINDs
Epsilon Setup and Supervision
Configure parameters of the system and check the status

Pump Handling
Manage dispensers on the forecourt
Station Device Administration
Remote maintenance

Indoor Fuel Sales
Manage integration with Point of Sales (POS)
Automatic Tank Gauge System
Manage Automatic Tank Gauges and wetstock

Price Handling
Manage your fuel pricing
On-Site Reports
Generation of reports