Automate Your Operations with End-To-End Wetstock Management

End-To-End Industrial Wetstock Management

Automate Your Operations with End-To-End Wetstock Management

Fueling Operations at Industrial and Mining Sites

Running an industrial or mining site with an operated fuel station needs comprehensive wetstock management. Fuel supply is crucial at mines and insufficient fuel can result in unscheduled downtime and loss of profit.

Site managers oversee multiple operations, including vehicle and driver management, support, and maintenance. Monitoring and recording data is vital to keep track of your wetstock.

So, what's the best way to manage these simultaneous functions?

For Gilbarco Veeder-Root, it's automation.

With our integrated fuel management solutions, we've found the most efficient and secure way to control these processes - and prevent risks.

Here's a look at our smart, simple, and secure solutions and products for fuel management.

Risk Factors at Fuel-Operated Sites

Fuel loss is the most common risk factor with bulk fuelers. From product transport to delivery, it’s a seemingly unavoidable issue with preventable solutions.

Up to 50% of fuel loss contributions can happen off-site before the product reaches your location. This can be due to temperature differences, product theft, or contamination during transport. On-site activities also contribute to the 50% in fuel losses. This can be due to unrecorded transactions, inaccurate volume reports, unauthorized fuel loading, fuel siphoning, and manual systems with human interventions. Read more about the reasons behind fuel loss.

Automation can help alleviate these risks by preventing them from happening altogether.

Manual Processes and Fuel Variance

With fueling and fuel delivery, product and data loss go hand in hand. Without accurate data, site operations become inefficient, which has implications on profits and compliance – and that compromises your business.

Why does it happen? Manual processes and fuel variance are the usual culprits behind product and data loss.

Manual processes in fueling and fuel delivery create opportunities for human error, meaning inaccurate/incorrect data, billing, records, transactions, and audits. This affects turnaround on delivery and fueling. In serious cases, it can cause violations and create liabilities.

Fuel variance occurs during fuel operations but is also a consequence of inaccurate data. Understanding what goes on inside your tanks is crucial: level and temperature changes affect your product inventory and overfill can cause losses.

Minimizing Risk Factors in Fueling and Fuel Delivery

Minimizing fuel variance is important to create a more transparent and accessible overview of fuel inventory. It helps keep your site compliant and aware of liabilities. Identifying sources of fuel variance in your operations eliminates waste – which ensures profitability and sustainability.

And while fuel variance can be mitigated, manual data-capturing processes should be eliminated. Reducing human intervention in data-capturing operations prevents inaccuracies. Automatic data tracking discourages unauthorized operations and the potential for theft and fraud.

Automated processes also lower operational expenses, by pinpointing losses and issues, resulting in faster operations that reduce downtime.

An Integrated Approach to Wetstock Management

Well-organized wetstock operations minimize the risk factors mentioned above. An integrated wetstock operation manages processes end-to-end while taking care of these risks. It enables efficient turnaround for fueling and fuel delivery. Faster turnaround is not just good for site managers but good for business too.

And with our solutions, we use automation to do that.

Gilbarco Veeder-Root’s wetstock management solutions provide an integrated system that electronically controls fueling operations. With advanced equipment and software, our automated solutions streamline delivery processes.

The EMR4 Electronic Meter Register, flowmeter, and actuator valve are the main components of our wetstock management solution.  Here’s a look at how it can benefit mining sites.

Automated Fueling and Fuel Delivery

The EMR4 Electronic Meter Register links to the flowmeter and actuator valve to electronically control fueling and fuel delivery.

The benefits for site operations are:

Delivery Control: By controlling the delivery inlet, flowmeter, and actuator valve, the EMR4 records volumes, conducts temperature compensation, and creates delivery tickets with this data in near-real time.

Key Benefit:

Automated data capturing eliminates manual intervention and records, reducing human errors and preventing inaccuracies with product data. This makes fueling more efficient, increasing productivity and turnaround.

Tank Control: Monitor tank data in near real-time with Gilbarco Veeder Root’s automatic tank gauges. Use automated alarms to keep track of water levels, low product, water contamination, and overfill.

Key Benefit:

Sites have complete visibility of wetstock inventory. Track potential losses quickly and minimize fuel variance during fueling operations.

Trade Control: The EMR4 and flowmeter automate trade – if your site uses electronic curbside pumps, our system acts as a trade meter, which can be read electronically. There are automated shift closes and reconciliations.

Key Benefit:

There is a single reference point of data for fuel products. This reduces the risk of theft and fraud, increases the efficiency of operations, and lowers expenses.

Working Towards Sustainable Mining

Sustainable, low-carbon mining operations have been an ongoing key focus for the sector globally. It’s an important consideration – not just because of investor and customer interest, but also due to environmental implications and stricter regulations.

It’s necessary to find ways to manage fuel and wetstock operations sustainably. Gilbarco Veeder-Root is committed to creating solutions with this in mind. As a Vontier organization, we follow the ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) framework for sustainability.

That means applying our policies, processes, and procedures to scale solutions, that can help alleviate some of the mining industry’s major sustainability challenges while growing businesses.

With our wetstock management solutions and products, fuel operations are sustainably conscious through:

·         Leak and Overfill Environmental Protection

·         Proactive & Preventative Service & Maintenance

·         Sustainable raw materials & components


By eliminating manual processes and automating operations our solutions help reduce waste and prevent products losses. These solutions set up mining businesses to adhere to environmental regulations and transition to more sustainable operations.

Learn more about our sustainability initiatives.

Smart, Simple, Secure Wetstock Operations for Industrial and Mining Sites

As global leaders in fueling equipment, Gilbarco Veeder-Root ensures streamlining fueling operations is at the fore. Our industrial wetstock solutions provide end-to-end fuel management for your operation.

Our solutions automate fueling and fuel delivery to reduce manual processes and fuel variance. We have the right products and services to prevent fuel loss to keep your business more compliant, efficient, and sustainable in the long term.

Integrated fuel management is smart, simple, and secure with Gilbarco Veeder-Root.

Upgrade to smart, simple, and secure wetstock management today.

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