A controversial court ruling could have changes brewing for c-stores in California. A judge has decided coffee-sellers must post warnings about cancer risks linked to the globally-glorified drink. The ruling stems from a lawsuit by non-profit Council for Education and Research on Toxins (CERT).
President & CEO of the National Coffee Association, William Murray called the lawsuit a “mockery” and said it “has confused consumers, and does nothing to improve public health.”
He’s far from alone on that opinion. There are a ton of studies out there that say a cup of joe is good for you. So what’s the risk? It starts with a chemical called acrylamide which is a “probable” or “likely” carcinogen…
Don’t expect to see scary warning signs in Golden State c-stores just yet. Reports say a slew of coffee retailers will likely appeal the decision.
And while all this brew-haha goes on, there is no question coffee is critical to c-store sales. Americans just can’t get enough of their java right now. Learn how to use our products to maximize profits from store items like coffee.