The next-generation payment solutions
Our broad range of pay at pump solutions support any type of modern self-service operation on the forecourt with the different options and potential configurations of our FlexPay™ systems supporting any type of usage, method of payment, operating mode or position.
Assured quality
FlexPay™ terminals are the result of over 30 years of experience in outdoor payment terminals and payment platforms spanning wide-reaching global regions.
SPOT (Secure Platform for Outdoor Terminals) is a key feature in FlexPay™ terminals, ensuring dependable security and compliance to PCI and EMV standards.
User experience
The SPOT patented technical solution provides graphical screens for simple user guidance and the ability to display multimedia during most refuelling steps.
Why install payment on your site?
More and more retailers are utilising payment on the forecourt as a powerful tool to increase revenue and profit. Advanced forecourt automation and payment technology allows businesses to improve profit margins through improved customer loyalty and service levels greater revenue generation and a reduction in operational costs.